Die westlichen Volkswirtschaften wachsen nicht mehr, der klassische Liberalismus steckt in der Krise. Das hat auch damit zu tun, dass Liberale ihr Denken auf wirtschaftliche Fragen verengt haben, sagt Ökonom Samuel Gregg.
In many countries, capitalism has degenerated into “crony capitalism”, says economist Luigi Zingales. He thinks that the power of business needs to be constrained in order to restore trust in it.
The greenback’s share of global trade and central bank reserves is decreasing. However, no convincing alternative has established itself, despite efforts by BRICS countries.
Economies in the developed world are failing to grow, and classical liberalism is in crisis. Focusing on more than simply economic issues could help both recover their vitality, says political economist Samuel Gregg.
The fiat system is crashing against its own limitations to the detriment of the liberty and security of citizens and dissidents the world over. The promise of bitcoin stands waiting in the wings to offer relief to all who are affected.
Der Kapitalismus ist von Parasiten befallen. Um ihn zu retten, bietet sich eine überzeugende Alternative an, die das Zentralbankwesen hinfällig macht: Bitcoin.
Die Politisierung im Zusammenhang mit Klimawandel und Covid-19 erschüttert die Grundlagen der Wissenschaft. Es braucht mehr Offenheit gegenüber Abweichlern.