In many countries, capitalism has degenerated into “crony capitalism”, says economist Luigi Zingales. He thinks that the power of business needs to be constrained in order to restore trust in it.
Glenn Loury says antidiscrimination policies like affirmative action cannot bring about racial equality. He criticizes that discussions about some aspects of race remain a taboo.
University of Austin in the US state of Texas, photographed by Ronnie Grob
The greenback’s share of global trade and central bank reserves is decreasing. However, no convincing alternative has established itself, despite efforts by BRICS countries.
Economies in the developed world are failing to grow, and classical liberalism is in crisis. Focusing on more than simply economic issues could help both recover their vitality, says political economist Samuel Gregg.
The fiat system is crashing against its own limitations to the detriment of the liberty and security of citizens and dissidents the world over. The promise of bitcoin stands waiting in the wings to offer relief to all who are affected.
Nicolás Maduro wird am 29.07.2024 mit mehr als 51 % der Stimmen zum Präsidenten der Bolivarischen Republik Venezuela für die Periode 2025-2031 ernannt. Bild:
Con el último fraude electoral, el régimen de Nicolás Maduro ha completado el paso hacia la dictadura. Pero los ciudadanos han encendido el fuego de la libertad: ya no se puede apagar.
The drive to reach “Net Zero by 2050” would have devastating consequences for our energy-poor world. What is needed is not less but more fossil fuels. The lives and prosperity of billions of people are at stake.
Des principes comme le goût du travail, le sens du service et de la responsabilité ont marqué la Suisse et sa politique. Aujourd’hui, ils sont menacés par une oligarchie internationale d’argent qui est éloignée des personnes et ignorante de leurs besoins.