Hikvision, ByteDance, Huawei: Anyone who uses Chinese products is also spied on. How the internet works in China, how its control concept might come to Europe and what Switzerland can do about it.
The police need personal data so that they can provide security, argues government councilor Karin Kayser-Frutschi. In the case of prevention, however, there is always a question as to whether the intrusion into privacy is too great. Ultimately, it is up to politicians to decide.
Umweltschützer predigen eine vegetarische Ernährung zur Rettung des Planeten. Dabei stützen sie sich auf Zahlen, die der Komplexität der Realität nicht standhalten.
IT is overwhelming the administration. In view of increasing data volumes and the possibilities of artificial intelligence, it must finally accept its responsibility and act.
Within the highly sensitive area of healthcare, of all places, there have been several serious data leaks. Under the leadership of Alain Berset, the Federal Office of Public Health has failed in digital matters.
Lucas Oechslin, Mitgründer Luma-Delikatessen, Neuhausen am Rheinfall. Bild: zVg.
Der Bund predigt Bohnen und subventioniert Fleisch. Dabei untergräbt er die eigenen offiziellen Ziele. Um diese zu erreichen, braucht es Kostenwahrheit.
Switzerland’s financial regulator arbitrarily changes rules for cryptocurrency exchanges. This not only weakens the industry, but also democratic processes.